Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Challenges and Frequency

Hello, creatures of the internet,

We might as well say it out loud. I'm a terrible blogger. I neglect my website like I do my vegetables. Both are terrible of me. Here's why:

1. I've learned that self-publishing is a lot more difficult than I first imagined. Why? Because of marketing. Having your friends and family read your work is great (regrettably, something not many of mine have done), but you're going to need a larger audience to become a successful/popular writer. Unfortunately for me, I have zero interest in marketing. This is a terrible lack of quality to have, because with self-publishing comes with having to do your own marketing unless, for some reason, you have someone else to do it for you. It's a big job! It requires much more than just Facebook posts if you want word of your book to reach as many people as possible. Social media plays a big part, but the truth is I find it difficult putting myself out there because I may be one of the biggest introverts the world has ever seen. Ideally, I'd love to interact with people indirectly through the stories I write, so as to avoid the uncomfortable parts of real-time social interaction. That's why it's my dream to write for a living. God, I'm such a hermit.

2. Video games. OH YOU WONDERFULLY ENJOYABLE YET DETRIMENTAL PASTIME! I can't help it. I love video games. Like a book, many of them have amazing stories to tell. My problem is that whenever I start, I have a hard time putting them aside to focus on more important things, like writing. I've been a gamer since before grade school. It's part of who I am.

Those things are what have been keeping me from devoting myself more fully to my blog. I'm still writing, in fact, and have enough ideas to keep me writing for a long time to come. I'm currently working on a new fiction about parenting, and how difficult, wonderful, and frightening an experience it can be. A lot of my emotions, fears and beliefs are going into this story, and I can't help but feel like it might be the most important thing I ever write. I've completed five chapters thus far.

The Sky Caller is also still in the works. The news is that this story, along with the already written sequel, may be a longer time coming than I've previously stated because I've decided I'm going to try and go the traditional publishing route with it. I really believe in this story, and I'm confident it's just as good as any well known middle-grade/young adult fantasy novel you can find in a bookstore. It's going to be a three book series, two of which are already written, and now that I know more about this universe I've created, I'm strengthening the plot and other story/timeline particulars.

From now on I may use my blog for more than just an outlet for my writing. I may share stories about things that happen in my life, discuss topics that are of particular importance to me, or talk about random things that reveal a little bit more about myself. However, as I don't consider myself that interesting of a person, I can't promise the frequency of these kind of posts. Regardless, I do intend on blogging more regularly. Because, you know... marketing.

Your humble writing gremlin,

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